Happy Friyay

Our vet jokingly and fondly asked us today if we go to great lengths to find the most pitiful dogs to rehab. On that note, please welcome Patton to STBTR.
Patton comes to us as a stray from a local shelter. He is with our very best rehab foster family and we cannot wait to see him bloom, feel better and heal from years of neglect! Stay tuned for updates on his progress.
As always, donations for his care and many others are sincerely appreciated. Our PayPal is southtxbtrescue@gmail.com. Thank you.
Check out the adoptable dogs for more info on Dante.
From a stray in Laredo, Texas, to…
Dante has been ADOPTED and is living with a new fur brother who has become his new best friend!
This is sooo important to remember as many of you will be bringing home a new fur baby soon. We hope that we have set them up to thrive while in foster care, but there is ALWAYS an adjustment. Please give them time to become your perfect family member.
Social distancing screws up rescue too! Did you know that? We didn’t give it a thought, until we had trouble with transports because everyone needed to be cautious and vetting doesn’t move as quickly when in crisis mode!
The first couple of weeks we just kinda took it easy, thinking it would pass and we’d get everything back on track. But nope! As the days stretched into weeks and weeks into a month, and we’ve taken in 5 new dogs that needed our attention, we decided we better figure it out pretty quickly!
We have pulled all apps that had not been screened. A lot of you have gotten emails as Romeo, Dante and Beast have all found their homes and we have asked if you want us to continue screening your app for a future dog. Please let us know if we need to put your app in that mix.
We are going to proceed in the order they were submitted until we get them done. Any pre approved applicants can speak up for one of the new arrivals and we can note your interest.
Please know that vetting is moving slower than normal so all of the new babies are being vetted and medical needs addressed so they can get into homes as soon as things get back to normal.
We pray that you and your families stay safe and well. We are so grateful for your unending support of what we do, and especially so during these days that we are in.
Foster girl Petra soaking up some sunshine. Got a good bath today to remove the dreaded shelter funk smell.
She is such a sweet, good baby ❤